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Guest Column

June 2023

Why I'm voting Yes4OP

As a resident of Ward 2, I was privileged to serve on Overland Park’s Infrastructure Advisory (IAG) Group.

The group had a series of in-depth conversations with experts on city staff and from industry to discuss key topics like road maintenance and reconstruction, bridges, stormwater management, and traffic. Although they have unique challenges and priorities, it quickly became clear that these stakeholders share a core principle: well-maintained infrastructure is a driver of economic growth and an essential facet of the high quality of life we pride ourselves on in Overland Park.

Residents and businesses alike look to the stability provided by these types of investments as an incentive to live and work here. The IAG took a comprehensive look at efficient construction and maintenance practices and their associated costs. Long-term preventative maintenance is significantly more cost effective than deferring such work and paying for reconstruction at a later date.

Our city is at an inflection point where we risk falling behind in our duty to provide a well-maintained community where residents and businesses can continue to thrive. It is up to us to decide what Overland Park will look like in the coming years. Grounded in responsible stewardship of taxpayer dollars, OP Moves is a critical and responsible investment in our community’s future, which is why I will be voting yes.

For more information:


written by

Brian Biggs

Member of City of Overland Park

Infrastructure Advisory (IAG) Group